Friday, December 11, 2015

Saitama vs Goku! This should end those stupid arguments...right? Maybe not.

So before I begin, I'd like to say that I grew up with Dragon Ball. It was, and still is one of my most favorite animes to date. As for One Punch Man, I like it a lot, it is my most favorite anime as of now, however, I've never heard of it until only after episode 7 was released, nor have I heard about the manga. The only reason why I watched it was because it started to blow up in the internet with everyone saying that it's really good.

So now that that is out of the way, let's get to the topic. Oh and, prepare for a very long fact based blog. This is in no way biased or opinionated, since I love both of the animes equally and also because who likes biased shit? I don't, you don't. If you are disappointed with the outcome(which is 100% unofficial) feel free to rage and leave nasty comments. I love ready those. Also, feel free to correct me on anything I missed, I'll add it to the blog if it's true or whatever.

We all know that Goku is a really strong character, he is very powerful and smart when it comes to fighting, he even achieved god status recently and has fought with a god and even trained with one. and he can move faster than the speed of sound and possibly even faster than the speed of light. We all know that is 100% possible with instant transmission.
But, Goku has struggled a lot when fighting enemies, and could have been easily killed by Broly. Also, at the time Broly was relevant, he was easily the strongest character in that time of the anime. Yeah I KNOW, that's all done and over with, oh and Frieza during the Frieza saga, if Frieza did not toy around with Goku, he could have been easily killed to if Krillin was not killed and he didn't find a way to achieve Super Saiyan. The point I'm trying to make is that Goku struggles a lot with enemies, even after achieving god status he lost the fight. That's probably because Beerus was a more experienced god. He was even able to keep up with the god even in his Super Saiyan form, but still lost the fight in the end.
We should probably say some facts about Saitama now right?

Okay, well to start off with Saitama, I should probably say that he is just a parody. He really is, the whole anime is just a parody of others. Have you seen Vaccine man in episode one? Who does he look like to you?
Okay, so we all know how insanely OP Saitama is. He kills everything in one punch, hence the name of the anime. We know how he got so strong, 100 push ups, sit ups and squats along with a 10 kilometer run every single day for three years, along with super basic "mind training".

Of course that isn't the only training he has had, Saitama said he used to struggle with taking down villains, so obviously they played a huge role in his development. However, those basic routines he did was obviously all just a joke, one thing we know from OPM is that things have a tendency to mutate. We know this from Crablante, the villian who turned into a giant crab monster from eating too much crab.
Because of this, we can assume that the training, along with his intention to become a hero is what gave Saitama limitless strength by mutating him. And when I say limitless, I literally mean it. When Saitama fought Genos, he stopped his punch only a few inches away from his face, the shock wave from that however, decimated a mountain completely and split the sky for miles, with no direct contact, just the sheer force of the shock wave. He can also move master than  the speed of sound, this is proven when he was able to effortlessly block Speed o' Sound Sonic's attacks and was even able to see him run past him perfectly fine. Sonic moves faster than sound as he stated once. Also, Saitama has jumped from the moon and back to earth in only one second. Now lets to some math shall we?
The speed of sound is roughly 340 miles a second, the earth is 238,900 miles from earth. Let's say sound can travel through space. A sound wave travelling from the moon would take around 702 seconds to make it to earth. Saitama made it back to earth with physical strength alone. No ki, no flying, just a jump from the moon, in only one second. The speed of light is a little over 299,000,000 m/s. It would take a beam of light 0.0007 seconds to reach earth from the moon. So maybe Saitama can't move at the speed of light, and Goku can, while preforming instant transmission. HOWEVER, Goku needs to be concentrated on the place he wants to go to in order to do that, and Saitama has never used his full power yet. Saitama has only used 2-5% of his maximum power, so it might be safe to assume he can move at the speed of light if he is very serious in a fight, considering he can move over 500 times faster than sound without trying, on physical strength alone.

Let's not even say that section on Saitama was big, it was bigger than Goku's, but it was mostly about how fast he really is. How fast is Goku though? Well first, let's get it out of the way that attacking speed and traveling speed are two very different things. Saitama can travel 500+ times faster than sound. But how fast are his reflexes? We don't really know for sure, we can take a guess that he can attack equally as fast as he moves seeing how he was able catch a blade moving faster than sound with his mouth. We have seen how long it takes for characters to travel from point A to B in the anime. We can assume that they are around 5-10 times faster than the fastest plane in the world, which flies at 2,200 mph. Which means they could fly around 11,000-22,000 mph, which is way faster than sound. However, that is only 70 times(up to 400 times in super saiyan 3) the speed of sound, way slower than Saitama. So we can safely say that Saitama is faster when Goku isn't using instant transmission. But what about sheer, raw, physical strength. Oh wait, I forgot to add that Vegeta can dodge lasers in 150 times gravity in his base form. Lasers are basically beams of light, but wait, they also have lasers in other shows which only travel at the speed of a normal bullet (14,000 mph) so what does this mean? Hell if I know, all shows are different so why are we even comparing these two anime?

Well, we can't really determine the exact strength, but we can do rough estimates.

Goku at 80% strength in his god form can smash a large portion of the ground and huge ass boulders with a single punch. However, Saitama on the other hand can decimate entire mountains and split the sky for hundreds or even thousands of miles without direct contact.
Yeah, the shock wave of his punch does all of that. Not only that but he has punched away an energy beam that was capable of destroying the earth, using minimal strength, while Goku in his god form failed to do such a thing. So we can assume that Saitama is stronge-
What? Not enough proof? The creator of OPM said that Saitama, at his maximum strength is capable of taking out the entire solar system plus more with a single punch. We know Goku in super saiyan god super saiyan (they gave that a wonderful name) could do that with a powerful energy blast, but that isn't physical strength. So Saitama obviously wins in physical strength, but not when it comes to ki, mostly because he doesn't have any training and probably can't do that anyways. We know that Goku can lift hundreds of tons if not thousands in his super saiyan form, but he still lacks enough physical strength to literally punch the universe out of existence, even in ssgss.

After all of this, which by the way is all hard facts, not bias or opinion, it's safe to say that Saitama would probably die if Goku was fast enough to land a powerful energy blast on him, but it's also safe to say that Saitama is way faster, and carries obviously, a lot more physical strength. So even if Goku may be in his SSGSS form, if Saitama lands a punch on him, Goku is most probably dead. And since Saitama is faster, well yeah, it's pretty clear here that Saitama would end up winning unless Goku somehow lands a full powered, universe destroying energy blast on him. Also, please not that again, there is no real way to compare these characters unless they somehow get a crossover. But like, what are the chances of that?

Update(12/18/15): I was wrong about Saitama´s strongest punch. It turns out one of his punches at 50% is as strong as half of the big bang. The creator also mentioned that he has infinite speed, endurence etc. I mean it's the point of his character. To be so insanely broken that he has the power to end existence as we know it.

Notes: Saitama is a gag character, he can never lose. He can punch at the speed of light while other characters such as the flash and superman has to build momentum before doing such. Saitama can do it while standing in one place. A non serious punch of his is equivalent to a nuke if not stronger. What if he was using his full power? He would punch the universe out of existence.